Wednesday, August 5, 2009

8/1 Johnstown Flood NM

Johnstown Flood, May 31, 1889
Lake Conemaugh was formed by the railroad company when they built the South Fork Dam. The purpose of the water was to keep a constant level of water in the canals that were used to bring boats from Baltimore to Pittsburgh. By the time the dam was completed the water was no longer needed since the canal system was replaced by a railroad line. The lake and dam changed ownership a number of times and the maintenance of the dam was severely neglected. The ownership of the dam, when it failed, was a privately owned hunt and fish club. They made repairs to the dam which some say did not bring the dam to the original design. The members of the club were wealthy Pittsburg people. After unusually heavy rains occurred in the spring of 1889, the dam failed on the afternoon of May 31, 1889 sending 20 million tons of water crashing down the narrow valley below. The dam emptied in 45 minutes and a wall of water 36 feet high would use chunks of debris moving 40 mile per hour which consumed everything in its path until after Johnstown. More than 2,200 people were dead and over 1000 more injured. It was the worst inland flood in the nation’s history. Bob has looked at many dams over the years and there is still a great number that do not receive the proper maintenance. The major difference now is that the flood controlled dams are well maintained because they are used for hydroelectric.

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