Thursday, August 13, 2009

08/12 Fort Ligonier

The gun is a 1/2 pound gun.
Fort Ligonier, Ft. Ligonier, PA
In the middle of the 18th Century, the 2 European powers engaged in a contest for ownership of the immense inner basin of North America. This area was west of the Allegheny Mountains, from Canada to New Orleans. In 1758, John Forbes, Brigadier General, was given the task to drive the French from the forks of the Ohio. Fort Ligonier was one of a number of forts that was built on the roadway that was needed in order to bring supplies and troops in order to drive the French out. This in the U.S. was known as the French and Indian War. The conflict between Great Britain and France was carried all over the globe. It was known elsewhere at the Seven Years’ War. Sue and I had very little knowledge as to how involved the Seven Years’ War was. The museum here dedicated a large part to the conflicts and battles fought elsewhere. We both feel that someday that reading a history book on the global affects of the Seven Years’ War would be worth it.

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