Wednesday, August 5, 2009

08/04 Friendship Hill NM

Friendship Hill National Monument
Albert Gallatin was born in Geneva, Switzerland and came to the U.S. at the age of 19 in 1780. From 1789 until he died in 1849 he dedicated his life to politics. He is probably best known for being the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury from 1801-14 under the Jefferson and Madison presidencies. He brought the country out of debt and financed the Louisiana Purchase and funded the Lewis and Clark Expedition. I must say that Sue and I knew very little about this great man until we visited this national site. His financial planning played a key part in financial stability of the government and some of the larger national banks. The grounds were lovely and the house was well furnished with items from the Robert E Lee Mansion in Virginia which is currently under restoration.

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