Saturday, August 8, 2009

08/07 Fort Necessity NB

Fort Necessity National Battlefield
George Washington, newly commissioned Lt. Colonel, started westward from Alexandria, VA with part of a regiment of VA frontiersmen, to build a road to Red Stone Creek on the Monongahela. This was a movement to help drive the French from the Ohio Valley. George Washington was 22 years of age at the time. At dawn on May 28, 1754, he encountered a French encampment. The French were taken by surprise and 10 were killed including the commander, one wounded and 21 were made prisoners. This was the start of the French war.
George Washington knew that the French would find revenge. He moved back to an open area, referred to as the “great meadows.” Ft. Necessity was circular in shape measuring 53 feet in diameter and enclosing a small store house. The overall perimeter was 168 feet. The French attacked on July 3 and the French, with the aid of the Indians, overpowered George Washington. He was allowed to surrender with honor and retreat from the area. The road that he had cut became part of the first national road.

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