Saturday, October 4, 2008


Lucy went for her first check-up at the doctor's at 3 weeks and weighed in at 9lbs 20z which is 14 ozs more than her birth weight and she grew 1 1/4 inches. Becky and Chuck are doing a fine job as parents. Lucy has them in a routine that keeps her well fed, changed and getting plenty of sleep. Becky and Chuck say that she looks like Chuck and from Chuck's baby photos along with our memories of him at that age we couldn't agree more. Bob finished up painting the front of the house which was more work than he anticipated but the end results were well worth his efforts. We have hit the road once again and have an appointment in Napanee, IN at the factory where our motorhome was built on October 20. We will stop in Wyoming, Nebraska and Iowa at National Park sites. After the motorhome is serviced, we will head towards South Carolina going through the Smokey Mountains and it should be ideal to witness the fall foliage.

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