Monday, October 13, 2008

Herbert Hoover National Historic Site, Iowa

Our 31st President, Herbert Hoover, had a modest Quaker upbringing living his early years in West Branch, Iowa. He was orphaned at an early age and at 11 years of age he was sent to live in Oregon with his mother's brother, Dr. Henry Minthorn. Herbert was educated as mining engineer and was very successful all over the world. Hoover's humanitarian efforts, during and after WWI and service as Secretary of Commerce, made him a highly respected figure. His presidency was daunted by the Depression. At that time, he was definitely blamed for not doing more. Many historians say he did as much as possible in the short time that was President. He went on to be quite the humanitarian working closely with feeding the hungry and expanding the Boys Club of America. He was well respected and worked well into his 80's.

The museum did have a section devoted to the children of the various presidents who lived in the White House. Until one sees it all together it was difficult for us to realize who actually lived part of their childhood on 1600 PA Avenue.

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