Monday, September 22, 2008

Lucy Arrives 9/8

Lucy Ann Simone Sylvester
Lucy arrived on Monday, September 8 at 5:46 a.m. Lucy weighed in at 8 lbs. 4ozs and was 20” long. Becky’s mom and Chuck were with Becky during her labor and we were awaiting news of her arrival in the waiting room. Lucy is a beautiful little girl and we couldn’t be happier for Chuck and Becky. Becky had a difficult delivery and had to be readmitted into the hospital. In the meantime Chuck and the both of us had Lucy at home and we were able to help with her care. Becky is now at home with Chuck and Lucy and they are all doing fine. Becky’s mom and Sue were honored by the baby receiving both of the grandmother’s middle names as part of hers, namely Ann for Barbara and Simone for Suzanne.

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