Friday, August 6, 2010

Noah & Sarah

It didn’t take Noah and Sarah too long to remember who Papa and Memere are.
It is wonderful getting reacquainted with them. You don’t realize how quickly young children change and we had only been gone 7 months. It has been extremely hot and most days too hot to be outdoors with the children.
A lawn sprinkler, in the shade of their backyard, was a way in which to stay cool. One afternoon after we pick up them from day care we let them play under the sprinkler and they had a blast. You can see from the photos that they were not afraid of the water or the mud. Bob did take Noah swimming one afternoon and Noah wants to be able to swim as well as his friend, Griffin, who is 6 months older than he is. With a little work and patience, Noah will be swimming before the cold weather sets in. Sarah is definitely feisty and not much seems to bother her and as long as she has a clean diaper, her bottle nearby and is fed.

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