Friday, August 6, 2010

Little Rock, AR

Traveling from San Francisco we just stopped for a few overnights until we got to the Little Rock area. North Little Rock has a city campground right on the AK River. Our site was right on the river overlooking downtown Little Rock. They have a trolley that runs from North Little Rock to downtown Little Rock and the Clinton Library. It was a great way to get around. Downtown Little Rock is a great little area with many shops and restaurants. The main reason for stopping here was to visit Clinton’s Library. The architect was hired to make the library look like a bridge The bridge was to represent bridging over into the 21st Century. I’m not certain that we would have gotten this concept by just looking at the building itself. The library was well done and since we were well aware of his 8 years as our President, it did remind us of all the changes that occurred in that 8 year span.
The Heifer Organization has its headquarters in Little Rock adjacent to the Library. This is a non-profit organization that takes farm animals to underdeveloped areas in the world, along with farming practices, to help these people raise food and livestock and to help provide them with a better way of life. Heifer works with many non-profit organizations as well in order to assist these underdeveloped countries.
The A/C unit on the front of the motor home still needed to be repaired. This unit was replaced in San Francisco. Trying to get a service call in SC was difficult and we made arrangements to have it serviced in Birmingham, AL. So off we went to Birmingham

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