Sunday, January 24, 2010

Stormy Ride

We are never in a rush so we should not have to travel in bad weather. On 1/21 on our trip from Woodbine, GA to DeFuniak, FL, across Rte. 10, we hit one hell of a storm. The night before, in Georgia, there was torrential rains and thunderstorms but by morning it had cleared. Bob looked at the radar dopler on the computer and it appeared that the storm was above Route 10. As we got west on Route 10 we hit severe thunderstorms and rain where the skies appeared as dark as night. Some areas got 9 inches of rain and the drainage ditches and ponds were overflowing. There was one point, on Route 10, that the eastbound lane was under water. You know that it is rough weather when the truckers slow down to 30 or 40 mph. When we took a ride the next day you could see the streams and river overflowing. We stopped at a picnic area and took these pictures.
This is definitely the worst weather that we have driven in since the snows in Donner’s Pass.

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