Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Jekyll Island

Jekyll Island holds glorious natural beauty for the senses. By law, 65 per cent of the island, owned by the State of Georgia since 1947, will remain undeveloped. There are over 10 miles of beaches, accessible to the public. There are 20 miles of bike paths which may also be explored on foot. It is a unique place since there are no fast food restaurants, movie theaters, gas stations or other amenities that we have become accustomed to. The Georgia Sea Turtle Center was established on Jekyll Island in 2007. There is a modern campground, with over 200 sites which allows monthly camping from Oct. thru March and Sue and I hope to spend the month of October there some year ahead. One has to make reservations at least a year in advance.
We were very impressed with the island itself. The driftwood, along the beaches, was stunning to see.

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