Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Rocky Mountain National Park

Rock Mountain National Park
The last time that we visited Rocky Mountain National Park was in 1973 when we had just found out that Sue was pregnant with Amy. This trip to the park was especially nice since Daryl Beffie joined us and is very familiar with the surrounding area and the park itself. When we started in January of this year in Yuma, AZ we saw the Colorado River before it entered into the Sea or Cortez. In the Rocky Mountains we saw where the Colorado River originates. We enjoyed following the Colorado River along the Arizona/California border into Utah and then on into Colorado. I must say that I didn’t realize how important the Colorado River is as a water source until we actually traveled through the arid Southwest. It has been a learning experience on how the desert reacts to what little water is gets from rain and snow and how plants and animals can and do survive in this climate. We know one thing for certain and that is that the desert would not be a place for us ever to settle in. Colorado is a beautiful state with lots of horse farms and agriculture to view as one travels up and down the scenic highways. The rock formations are beautiful too as are the spacious valleys.

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