Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Lehmans Caves, Great Basin NP

Lehmans Caves, Great Basin National Park
This cave extends a quarter mile into the limestone and marble that flanks the base of the Snake Range Mountains. The cave is in the Great Basin National Park on the Eastern edge. We have been in a number of caves but this in this cave you can get very close to the formations themselves. The cave had some interesting formations such as shields and delicate helictites. Helictites are small branching formations that defy gravity. The 90 minute tour that we took gave us ample time to see the various formations up close. The cave is definitely the high point and attraction of this national park. We entered into various different rooms and witness such wonders that one rarely gets to see. We could also take pictures and the ranger was excellent in his explanations and answered any questions we may have had as to what we were witnessing.

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