Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Carlsbad NM

Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico
The Caverns are located in the Chihuahuan Desert of the Guadalupe Mountains. The Caverns, as other caverns, were formed when rain water seeped down through cracks and faults in the limestone. Sue decided to stay above and Bob went below to explore. He has been in enough caves, finally, where he now can spot stalactites, stalagmite, soda straws, draperies, flow stones, columns, popcorn and helictites and identify them. Bob walked down the cave through the natural entrance route which is a mile and descends over 750 feet. He then took the Big Room route which was about a mile. There is a good paved walkway, with handrails, so he was able to do a self-guiding tour.
It was nice to be in 56 degree temperature while in the cave for over 3 hours since the desert is hot even this time of year. They have elevators that you must take out in which you ascend in less than a minute.

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