Saturday, August 8, 2009

08/06 Fallingwater

Fallingwater, Mill Run, PA
Fallingwater, one of Frank L. Wright’s most widely acclaimed works was designed in 1935 for the family of the Pittsburgh department store owner, Edgar J. Kauffman. The key to the setting of the house is the waterfall over which it is built. Completed with guest and service wing in 1939, Fallingwater was constructed of sandstone quarry on the property and was built by local craftsmen. The stone serves to separate reinforced concrete “trays,” dramatically cantilevered over the stream. The design blended into the natural mountainside and the massive amount of glass gives great views of the countryside and tree tops. The stone walls, which are both exterior and interior, make this a massive structure. You see the concrete, stone which is offset by the red steel window frames which was FLW’s signature color. Edgar Kauffman, Jr. entrusted the house, its contents and grounds to the Western PA Conservancy in 1963.

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