Thursday, February 25, 2010

Johnson Space Center

Space Center Houston, the official Visitors Center of NASA’s Johnson Space Center is owned and operated by the Manned Space Flight Education Foundation and is a non-profit organization.
They have done an excellent job through displays, videos, and a tram tour through parts of the NASA Space Center to illustrate and explain the Space Program starting with the Goddard Rocket through the International Space Station.
Johnson Space Center occupies more that 1600 acres and employs more than 14,000 people. When you think back to Glenn’s first trip to outer space, it’s hard to believe that we remember it so vividly today. There were many trips to outer space and until you see the history in front of you, it is hard to remember the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Sky Lab,
Space Shuttle and now the International Space Station.
The size of the space capsules, at the beginning, were very small in comparison to the International Space Center of today. The number of countries involved with supplying components for the Space Center was impressive. You can see, from the Center, how the development of technology has improved our lives from the Space Program.
When the Space Program began, the engineers and scientists were in their mid-20’s to their early 30’s.

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