Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Trick or Treat

Halloween celebrations started at day care on Friday, Oct. 30. There was a parade and goodies which were enjoyed by all. We have loved being involved with the activities at the day care center. We pick the kids up often from day care so that we can enjoy them for a few hours each day. Noah loves his animals, especially alligators and that was what he wanted to be at Halloween. Sarah was a monkey and she filled out the costume much better than Noah did a few years ago. Scotty, the fireman, joined us for trick or treating since his mother was expecting a baby at any time. Bob took the boys in hand and Amy carried Sarah around the immediate neighborhood. The boys were good about saying trick or treat and thank you but needed to be urged to leave. It was a fun evening. Of course, in true holiday tradition, Sue made cut out cookies for the kids to frost and decorate. Noah, Scott and Griffin had lots of fun frosting the cookies and adding sprinkles for decoration before consuming them.

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