Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Florissant Fossil Beds

Florrisant Fossil Beds National Monument, Florrisant, CO
Visiting this place was quite a learning experience for both of us. As we know, fossils are found in many places. What makes this location unique is the vast variety of fossils found in a relatively small area. The Visitors Center had an excellent display of fossils. There were also 2 interpretive trails to walk which mainly showed petrified redwood stumps but also had an excavation site where the fossils are in the shale layers of rocks. There were a number of educational ranger talks that we thoroughly enjoyed listening to as well. It is one thing to look at a fossil in a display case and it is another to see one when a piece of shale is split open and a fossil is visible. We got to see a slice of the petrified redwood which still had some organic material present so that you could actually see the rings.
We attended Mass on Sunday at the Chapel located at the U.S. Air Force Academy. It is a lovely chapel and it is open to the public for services. We went to the Visitors Center at the academy and watched a video on the history of the academy and got to see what life is like for a cadet on this campus. First year students must attend a 6 week boot camp before being officially accepted in the 4 year program and it is quite rigorous. The campus itself is lovely, set in the valley surrounded by mountains. We enjoyed spending time there very much.

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