Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Glen Canyon Dam

Glen Canyon Dam
This dam created Lake Powell which is the first lake from the Colorado River watershed. As we have previously described, we have visited the other dams below Glen Canyon as we traveled up the Colorado River from Yuma, AZ. When the Colorado River water was divided in 1922 into the lower and upper water districts, Lee’s Ferry was the dividing point. The only lake in the upper district is Lake Powell. The dam is made of a concrete arch structure as is the Hoover Dam. As the other dams, it was created for a water supply
to generate electricity, agricultural needs and recreation. We took a tour of the dam which was very informative. Our visit to Lee’s Ferry showed us the only spot that rafters can put in to float the Colorado River to the Grand Canyon. It is very controlled now with the government only allowing a certain number of trips down the river a year. They are trying to protect the eco system along the River from campers. Bob floated this river sometime between 1973 and 1978. At that time there were a lot less restrictions. Sue had no desire to float the river and Bob will wait until the grand children are old enough to go along with him.

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